Code to PhD

codetophd [AT]


Code To PhD is a completely student-run volunteer initiative of Computer Science PhD students across the U.S. We aim to help underrepresented students apply to Computer Science related PhD programs and find mentorship to support them through their graduate studies. With PhD student volunteers from UChicago, NYU, UMass Amherst, Columbia, UCI, and many more soon (!), we are organizing office hours, panels, and a graduate application support program to help answer applicants' questions about CS-related PhD programs and help them find quality mentorship.

Our Core Values: We believe that making Computer Science PhD programs more diverse and accessible across socioeconomic status, ability, gender, race, sexual identity, and nationality makes for more rich, equitable, and conscientious research advancements. For far too long, the voices of marginalized people have been silenced by institutional bias, the withholding of resources, and various other forms of discrimination, which inhibits the advancement of all fields of research. We believe that together as a community we can begin to address these inequities through strengthening our bonds, sharing resources, and centering care towards each other above all.


Is PhD Right for Me?
This panel will be aimed at prospective applicants for the 2025-2026 PhD admission cycle, and will be a chance for prospective applicants to ask current PhD students any questions regarding the PhD process, applying, selecting a research area, etc.

General Purpose Office Hours
These office hours are a chance for prospective applicants to ask questions 1-1 with a PhD student.

Application Support Program - Mentee Application Opens
End of August
Mentee applications for our Graduate Application Support Program will open. This program enables applicants to get 1-1 application feedback and mentorship from a current PhD student.

How to Make the Most of Your Visit Day
March 2, 1-2pm Central Time
This panel will be an opportunity for recently admitted PhD students to ask questions regarding selecting advisors, visiting programs, and all things related to admitted students visit days!

How to Make the Most of Your Visit Day
March 2, 1-2pm Central Time
This panel will be an opportunity for recently admitted PhD students to ask questions regarding selecting advisors, visiting programs, and all things related to admitted students visit days!

Is PhD Right for Me?
This panel will be aimed at prospective applicants for the 2025-2026 PhD admission cycle, and will be a chance for prospective applicants to ask current PhD students any questions regarding the PhD process, applying, selecting a research area, etc.

General Purpose Office Hours
These office hours are a chance for prospective applicants to ask questions 1-1 with a PhD student.

Application Support Program - Mentee Application Opens
End of August
Mentee applications for our Graduate Application Support Program will open. This program enables applicants to get 1-1 application feedback and mentorship from a current PhD student.

Prospective Students

If you are a prospective student, applying to CS-related PhD programs, we will have various initiatives aimed at supporting you! To stay up to date on our programs, including when panels/office hours occur and when the mentee application for our application support program opens up, please fill out this google form and you will be added to our mailing list: Mentee Interest Form.

Get Involved

We are always recruiting volunteers! If you are a current PhD student in Computer Science, or another closely related discipline, who is interested in volunteering for panels/office hours, being a mentor in our application support program, or joining our initiative’s leadership team, we would love for you to join our initiative. Please fill out this interest form and we’ll be in touch!

Application Resources

There are various initiatives that aim to help students apply to graduate school! Here is a compiled summary of them.

Choosing Programs

It can be hard to know where to even apply to. It is helpful to read papers and look at the top conferences in the areas you’re interested in to see who is publishing the research you like. From there, aim to find 2-4 professors at a given institution of interest, which is where CSRanking can become a helpful resource to find PIs in certain research areas and their websites.

Writing Your Application

For crafting the personal statement, SoP, and just generally receiving mentorship, these resources were helpful.

Application Fee Waivers

There are a variety of ways to get fee waivers. Make sure to look at your target schools’ specific fee waiver policies to know what they accept, but here are common routes one can get fee waivers:

Some General Comments

Don’t be afraid to reach out to graduate students in the labs you are interested in to ask them about their experiences and to receive advice.

Good Luck!

Website Design

This website uses Dr. Martin Saveski's website template. If you are interested in using this template, you can find all the code needed to build your website in this GitHub repo.